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Falling Into Faith

As I write this article sounds of football blare in the background and a little chill is in the air, both indicators that seasons are changing. As Catholics our focus is on a liturgical devotion to the Holy Rosary and Respecting Life in all of its seasons in October.

There are also many national month long observances to take note of as well including: National Domestic Violence, Breast Cancer Awareness, Down Syndrome Awareness, National Bullying Prevention, National Depression Education and Awareness. There is also just for fun National Pretzel Month and you can hang a Catholic theme on it. Here’s an article from the National Catholic Register to support my claim that you can share.

Keeping with the theme of changing seasons, Pope Francis’ prayer intention is a call for the Holy Spirit to engender a new missionary “spring” for our Church. The call coincides with the Amazon Synod that is hoping to grow the faith in this geographically challenging region of the world. To meet these challenges the Church may implement new practices affecting clerical traditions to address the lack of priests.

I always share a post to celebrate Yom Kippur on our parish page, we must never forget Jesus’ first family. We also celebrate the feasts of the saints and liturgical feasts of St. Thérèse (October 1), Guardian Angels (October 2), St. Francis of Assisi (October 4), St. Faustina (October 5), St. Bruno (October 6), Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7), St. John XXIII (October 11), St. Callistus I (October 14), St. Teresa of Jesus (October 15), St. Hedwig and St. Margaret Mary (October 16), St. Ignatius of Antioch (October 17), St. Luke (October 18), St. Isaac Jogues, St. John de Brébeuf and Companions (October 19), St. Paul of the Cross (October 20), St. John Paul II (October 22), St. Anthony Mary Claret (October 24) and Sts. Simon and Jude (October 28). Also, October 11th this year marks the 10th anniversary of the canonization of St. Damien de Veuster of Moloka’i and it’s great time to shine a light on his work in social justice.

Of course the last day of the month, October 31st is All Hallow’s Eve to Catholics and Halloween to the greater culture. Here’s an article I wrote three years ago that is evergreen that you can share on your pages to spark discussion and elevate readers understanding of the Holy origins of All Hallow’s Eve, also known as Halloween. My new favorite thing to do and maybe you might consider screening “CoCo” at your parish to plant a seed in the next generation of kids that blooms into praying for the souls of the dearly departed before they go “Poof”. Another cool Catholic idea is to do a Parade of Saints Costume Contest!

Following my five things strategy, don’t forget to showcase behind the scenes at your parish and what’s going on in your community. October 28th is designated as National First Responder Day and National Immigrants Day both would be great to share something about your unique community. In addition to sharing the Pope’s monthly prayer intention we also celebrate the feast days of two Popes, Sts. Pope John XXIII and John Paul II. To engage followers ask them to share pictures of themselves with St. John Paul II as a post! In terms of inspirational messages there are so many options. Whether it’s Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire on Facebook, Busted Halo’s #Dailyjolt or #microchallenge on Instagram or my pastor’s You Tube video daily series titled the “minute message”.

Finally, share ways to help people fall in love with their faith in October by sharing things that help them connect with their faith through the content you share through your social media.

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