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October Catholic Social Media Plan

It’s the last Saturday of September and I’m laying out the social media plan for American Martyrs parish and it’s a busy month! The liturgical theme for October is the Holy Rosary. My suggestion would be to create a new cover photo that calls followers to say the rosary every day of this month, you can use the one below.

Holy Rosary Cover Photo

As always your planning should start with outlining the “Five Things That Every Parish Should Post” strategy to help you discern what to post.

This is a big month for the category of Pope, Pastor, Priests and Deacons. Did you know that October 8th is designated as National Clergy Day? It is according to (NCD) one of my go to resources for finding secular and religious daily, weekly or monthly observances. Two of the most beloved Pope’s in recent history celebrate their feast days this month, St. John XXII on the 11th and St. Pope John Paul II on the 22nd. We also celebrate the gift of the Papacy and our current pope on “Pope Day” on the 16th. Last, but not least the Pope’s Prayer Intention is for workers and the unemployed, “That all workers may receive respect and protection of their rights, and that the unemployed may receive the opportunity to contribute to the common good”.

The Saints really take on a special meaning this month although most people only think of the Halloweenish aspects of the dead. Do you remember hearing about “All Hallows Eve” versus Halloween? I do and it often inspired me to dress up like a nun or something more saintly. Halloween has Christian roots and while many don’t really celebrate them they are real! Here’s a link to a great article that you can share on your social media pages on October 24th to maybe inspire people to implement some of the old practices as new traditions for future generations. There are 18 Saints to be honored this month, I’ve already mentioned two Popes to start with. The most notable saints that will draw huge engagement are St. Therese of Lisieux “The Little Flower” (1) St. Francis of Assisi (4), St. Faustina Kowalska (5), St. Luke (18), St. Paul of the Cross (20), St.s Simon and Jude (28). The easiest way to post about these Saints is to share a post from the following pages on the various social media sites the day of the feast as your first social media task of the day:

  • Facebook - Bishop Robert Barron, Catholic Saint of the Day or EWTN

  • Twitter - @saintoftheday

  • Instagram - saint_to_be

  • You Tube - Catholic Online (2-3 minute videos on the life of the over one hundred Saints they are listed in alphabetical order on the page)

We also focus on the memorial of the Guardian Angels on October 2nd and here’s a link to an explanation of our belief in each of us having one. You may also post a graphic of the Angele Dei prayer as a graphic. Lastly, if your parish’s namesake is celebrated this month be sure to create a custom post with a picture of the statue(s) in the church or on the property. American Martyrs Parish have a group of patrons and the feast of Issac Jogues, John de Brebeuf and companions is on October 19th that I’ve already created a custom post using the picture below.

Statue of Saints We Honor on October 19th and Patrons of our Parish

If you are not really sharing a daily meditation. This would be the month to start as you can share a graphic everyday that would be a reminder to say the rosary, including the appropriate mysteries of the day. Here’s a link to a great guide to digital rosary apps that can help people to add saying the rosary to their daily habits. Share the link as a post on October 1st and offer a challenge to your parishioners to download an app they like and make the commitment to say the rosary daily. In the “Year of Rosary” on October 16, 2002 St. John Paul II issued an Apostolic Letter introducing the Luminous Mysteries. This letter can be posted as an homage to the importance of the rosary to our Holy Catholic Church. Lastly, sharing an excerpt from the Gospel that will post in advance of the Vigil mass and again at midnight so that it shared and engaged with throughout the day!

As fall brings changes in our external environment, for many churches the liturgical environment will change too. In the category of behind the scenes share the changes that are happening in your parish. Maybe it’s as simple as pulling out the coat racks to be placed in the vestibule in a cold climate, to the banners that hang from the rafters or maybe a change in the flowers that are placed around the altar. Capture these environmental changes in pictures, video, GIF’s or Instagram Stories. In our parish we place these large scroll like banners to list the names of all those who have died. We will capture the scrolls being written in advance of their placement on November 1st on All Saints Day this year as a part of the behind the scenes. What are the preparations you will do at your parish?

All Souls Day Scrolls Prep As A Behind the Scenes

The last category of posts is around sharing parish life and your community. What’s going on in your parish in October. It’s a given if you have a school there will be the annual Halloween Costume parade. How about a fair or carnival? This month there are a number of observances that you may be able to capture community interaction or engagement around. Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Pro-Life Month, Church Library Month, National Book Month, National Bullying Awareness Month even National Dessert Month. As I write this it is the feast day of Saint Padre Pio and he says “reading spiritual books is as necessary as breathing”. Create a list of thirty-one books that are being read by your clergy, ministry members or catechist and share one a day to encourage your parishioners to read spiritual books.

Encourage Followers To Read Spiritual Books

Today we are 71 days away from the beginning of Advent on December 3rd. No pressure, but before the flurry of the holiday season events begin to take time to start thinking about your post planning for the Advent season. I have started sharing three Church Social Media tips as a Facebook Live every Friday between noon and 1pm PST. So if you aren’t following me after reading this like my Church Social Tips page on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter under the @churchsocialtips handle and on Instagram church_social_tips.

Peace of Christ be with YOU!

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